04 Nov

ELE-0190-ITS is an improved version of our LCD Display. We added tempered glass, black powder coating sheet metal and a silk screen label for the button board.

This Fadal LCD Display replaces the original 10" LCD Display we used to carry. Our molded bezel replaces the original bezel and the the display mounts with only 4 screws.

It does not require the mounting tray like the previous versions and competitor's version. This display also replaces the 12" CRT that had a BNC Connector and a Green Screen.


This 12.1 LCD Display replaces ALL Fadal CNC88 OR CNC88HS Pendant’s with the original tube monitor or any other LCD type display that may be installed. The kit comes with the display, bezel, remote control, batteries and hardware.

CNC88 Mounting – Mount the Display with the Bezel through the front and attach the 4 black screws and nuts. After it is mounted plug in the BNC Connector and the AC Power Plug.

CNC88HS Mounting – Mount the display from the back and the Bezel from the front and attach the 4 black screws and bolts. After it is mounted plug in the BNC Connector and the AC Power Plug.

Remote Control – If the Source is not set to BNC after powering on then change it by pressing the Remote Control “Source” button and press the Up and Down Arrow to make your selection. After that press the Right Arrow to save your selection and the Display should come up. Make sure when using the Remote Control that you point it in the back.

Factory Menu – To change the Vertical and Horizontal Settings you must go into the Factory Menu to make any changes.  Press “Menu” and then 1973 to enter the Factory Menu.

Any other adjustments can be made using the regular menu. Also, adjustments can be made using the button panel on the LCD Display.

Feature and Benefits

  • High Resolution
  • Anti-Glare Scrreen
  • Flat Molded Bezel
  • Remote Control
  • Simple 4 Screw Installation
  • BNC or VGA Connection
  • Designed and built by ITS Installation instructions are listed under Specifications.

See Features and Benefits for more information.

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