We offer amplifier repair services. This includes most all of the brush and brushless amplifiers used on Fadal Machines. Many customers choose to send their amp in for repair and use it as a spare rather then send it in for core credit.Most of the time it can be repaired as long as the traces on the board are not blown. Models included in our repair services are AMP-0006, AMP-0021 (newer style only) and AMP-0039, 40, 41, or 54.
The top four main reasons to send your Glentek Amplifiers to ITS for repair.
1. Cost – Repair prices are reasonable and only a test fee will apply if “No Problem found”.
2. Capability – We have the equipment and knowledge it takes to properly diagnose your amplifier.
3. Turnaround is usually one week to two weeks.
4. Warranty is six months on all repairs.
The cost to repair Glentek Amps is as follows.
1. Small Brush Amps – $350.00
2. Large Brush Amps – $450.00 (Note: We don’t repair the old style Glentek AMP-0021’s)
3. All Brushless Amps – $550.00If your Amp is not repairable there is no charge.
Click the link below to start the RMA process.
ITS – Amplifiers
ITS Amplifiers are not offered for repair because they don’t fail. They have internal motor short protection built in.
AMC – Amplifiers
About AMC – Amplifiers
AMC Amplifiers are not repairable because for one reason the manufacturer scraped the part numbers off of the components to prevent them from being repaired or serviced. Also these Amplifiers have no “Internal Circuit Protection” built and are under powered making them not even worth repairing. They are the most unreliable and undesirable amplifier that you can have in your Fadal Machine. They were used in only 1 in 4 Fadal’s as a second source to Glentek.